Pasqua!! a spanish word means the Easter, a christian feast, But for us its full of many different meanings..
First of all it's that one cafe we used to think it's our perfect place, it's where we can enjoy that remarkable taste of warm coffee, those warm shots of espresso that hugs you so dear from inside out!!!, mmm .. It is were we can fly in our wide skies, our endless dreams, with those melodies of Cello and Piano... that Piano that used to whisper to our souls "all your dreams are possible and will sure come true"...
It is where we used to sing our favorite melodies with that Spanish Guitar..it's where we used to share those tears of joy or even pain.. it's that place where we carved those dear memories, those memories that will never die..
In brief we made this "Pasqua" HOME!!! Yeah, home is the word, the meaning...
Who dosen't know us might think it's some kind of advertizing to that special place.... Hold it here please and ask us or yourself a smart question.. "what made that place so special??"
That taste of coffee? that taste of place? warmth? hospitality? .... and many things which we can find almost every where now....
No, Actually it's not that... what made it so special is "us" .. and for me i can say it's "you"...
"You" is who made it that special.. this pure soul, those innocent dreams of a daydreamer.. those so simple yet so wise dreams, those true feelings you shared , those listening ears ... this faithful heart.. and this understanding mind.. An artist who plays all the heavenly instuments that touches your soul before your ears... An artist who can paint your dreams and picture your very deep thoughts and bring your very dear dreams alive... a magician maybe!!
This is who you are , and this is what's so special about that spanish dream "Pasqua"!!!!
Thanks For every dream you made come true, And thanks for being that wonderful YOU!!
jeez! i miss that place!
well said guys, it was special coz of u :)
i miss those days.
Thank you dear VERY much, well u dont know how much i miss that place too, and i was looking the other day about the pics we took there when Bassem was there..
i dont know it brings this kind of feeling, i know u know what i mean\
maybe we can arrange an outting for the sake of the old days. How about that..
i miss u too.. i miss all of you.
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