.... That story is one i will never forget, when i was preparing my favorite dish (and the only one i can make that good...lol) "Pizza"!!! mmm very delecious, tasty, fun to make and to eat....
Don't ask why but this time i was making it with all my heart, you know this feeling when you do things with love... this is how i was acting... was preparing it to the people i most love to share that thing with them as some kind of perfect dinner, was singing that love song "truely" and preparing every thing to be just perfect, expecting it to be the best pizza i've ever made... and so it was!!
I brought it out of the oven to smell the best pizza ever... mmmm looks so delecious and so it will taste!! want some?? well, i wanted some too!!!
while i was cutting it into pieces impatiently the pan turned around in some wiered way.. (not around as horiziontal circles...NO as vertical circle!!! soooo next scene was the pizza upside down on the kitchen's floor!!!!!!
Moments of silence,,,,,,,, seemd like forever
Since i started to tell the story and till this pause of silence , and it seems like a some kind of comedy or funny story... But for me it was totally different.
This pause wasn't feeling upset or botherd about that pizza nor my efforts .... it was a moment to see my whole life time in fast flashes...all my dreams and hopes.. everything...
I felt suddenly so helpless infront of some greater powers....
It dosen't matter How far your dreams can go or how far they are dear to you and no matter how attached you are to them... cuz everything can simply go with the wind while you're standing there watching, so helpless and confused...
All we can do is to plan, work on it and hope... the results we're never so certain about!!
And since that pizza event and the word "pizza" for me has a different meaning..
.... Well i better stop acting wise now and return to the funny part of it .. since back then i didn't make any other pizza :(.... "m3a2ada"....lol....
But i promise to try again.. and you're all invited to have some ;)
:D i like ur pizza , even its upside down, when can i ve some ,
well , actually , u r right , work hard , but as much hard as u can to have some thing , but just dont b sure of what u will have instead, just work hard & wait for ur result , just dont expect it
well, My Really upset For the Rolling PiZZA Coz i love it So much ...next Time Maybe i be invited..
But i like ur simile...It's Really True All we can do is thinking ,plannig ,but the result at last my change due to destiny ..
like Spring leaves shinning and glance ,then falling bale on ground in autumn..
Don't make another mess Sarah ..if we demand Apizza in ALEx. GAthering SOOn ISA
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