Some few days ahead that day another lady gave birth to some child too... That child never knew that it's distend for her to write those words now.. But do you believe in destiny??
Actually I do, yet I never underestimate one's free will... it's distend for me to do what I will chose.. that's it for me.
But still I don't know if it was my choice to meet you my wonderful princess. To find in you that eternal mate, to learn by your help what friendship and true love means.
Maybe my words seems familiar to you cuz I've said them to you many times before.. But this time they are different Cuz maybe it's the last birthday that we're gonna celebrate it together.. and don't say that we were not together, cuz we were... I just don't like farewell events... and for me it was kinda that.
I don't feel bad though.. and don't ask me why... something inside me keeps telling that it's a beginning not an end, But a beginning for something that never really ended... my words sound like nonsense at times. But who else my angel takes all my nonsense.
But on a day like today you should have all the gifts in the word instead of some girl's nonsense ..hehe
My gifts to you will be a star, a tree, and a wish…
A star so far in the sky yet so close and dear to my eyes. it's shining so bright, guiding and leading me wherever I go.. and I'm giving it to you ..it's yours.
A tree to make you feel home wherever you may go.. that tree will remain yours…my gift to you..
A wish of eternal happiness in the whole new world my princess.
May all the daydreamers' dreams come true… Never stop dreaming it's your true power.. and it's your wise plans for a better future, for your own self made new world. "Happy Birthday my dearest of all"
are u talking about some kind of an angle?.. GET REAL.
I think Sarah ,Radwa tht Distance are Nothing but Roads ...seprated us from each other..but it can be enfolded By True Feelings each one Of you Holding to the Other ...
I have Read Your Blog ..it's Nice co-operation between both of you..it's rarely finding ofcousre..
But come on Girls ...USA is not that far ..just a jet Plane in 3 hours u gone be there ..Letters ,cellphones,SMS,E-mails ...IT won't be enough for both of you but it works for me at lest to communicate with my friends abroad ..
Wish You BOth HAppiness and A Friendship LAst FOrever ISA.
Chilly Mido
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